Relation between Finished GSM and Yarn Count of Various Fabrics

‘GSM’ means ‘Gram per square meter’ that is the weight of fabric in gram per one square meter. It is one kind of specification of fabric. The count is the coarseness or fineness of the yarn. There are important relationships between yarn count and GSM in knitted fabric. In this article, there is some relations are given for different fabrics. In this article, we will know about the relationship between finished GSM and yarn count of various fabrics.

Fabric GSM: GSM means Gram per Square Meter. That means the weight of fabric in grams per square meter. Which unit is (gm/m2).

Yarn Count: The count is a numerical value, which expresses the coarseness or fineness of the yarn and also indicates the relationship between length and weight (the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass) of that yarn. It is very important to know the yarn count, especially in knitting.

Relation between Finished GSM and Yarn Count of Various Fabrics
Fig: GSM and Yarn Count Properties

Relation between Finished GSM and Yarn Count of Various Fabrics:

Table-1: Relation between finished G.S.M. and yarn count of s/j and rib fabric

Single  Jersey Rib
Yarn count Finished G.S.M. Yarn count Finished G.S.M.
18 s 220-230 18 s 280-290
20 s 200-220 20 s 260-280
24 s 180-190 24 s 240-250
26 s 160-170 26 s 230-240
28 s 150-160 28 s 220-230
30 s 140-150 30 s 200-220
34 s 120-130 34 s 180-200

 Table-2: Relation between finished G.S.M. and yarn count of knitted fabrics

Interlock Lycra  S/J
Yarn count Finished G.S.M. Yarn (Lycra) count   Finished  G.S.M.
34 s 250-270 30 s +20D     190-200
36 s 230-250 34 s+20 D     180-190
38 s 200-210 38 s+20 D     160-170
40 s 190-200 40 s+20 D     150-160

 Table-3: Relation between G.S.M. and yarn count of fleece fabric and double lacoste

Fleece  Fabric (100% Cotton) Double  Lacoste
Yarn count G.S.M. Yarn count  G.S.M.
34s+34 s+10 s 260-270 22 s 240-260
30 s +34 s+10 s 280-290 24s 220-240
28 s+30 s+10 s 290-300 26 s 200-220
26 s+30 s+10 s 310-320 28 s 180-200
24 s +30 s+10 s 340-350 30 s 160-180
Author of this Article:
Rofiquzzaman Raju
Fabric Technologist,
B.J.Group, Mawna, Gazipur
Email: [email protected]

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