Calculation of Embroidery Thread Consumption

Embroidery Thread Consumption:
Embroidery is a combination of artistic arrangement and computerized process that takes a design, photo, drawing, etc, and converts it to an embroidery design on fabric. Embroidery thread consumption calculation of garments is essential for a merchandiser to estimate the total number of cones required for a specific order and to purchase the thread accordingly. Embroidery thread calculation depends on some parameters like stitch type, thread type, no of colors, no of stitches in the design. In this article, we will discuss the calculation of embroidery thread consumption.

Embroidery thread calculation
Fig: Embroidery Machine

Calculating the embroidery thread consumption of garments. By using the formula we may know how many cones of embroidery thread we need to complete the following pics of garments embroidery. Details have given below:

Example of Embroidery Thread Consumption Calculation :

Calculating how many cones thread we need to complete the 4000 pcs garments with the following embroidery design.

  • Stitch qty in the embroidery design – 4500 (stitch)
  • Length of thread in the cones – 5000 meter
  • Stitch length – 4 mm (stitch length depends on design and stitch type)


= Number of Garments qty X Number of stitch X 4 / 1000 / meter per cone.
= 4000 X 4500 X 4 / 1000 / 5000
= 18000000 X 4 / 1000 / 5000
= 72000000 / 1000 / 5000
= 72000 / 5000
= 14.4 cones (ANS)

Author of this Article:
Mayedul Islam
Merchandiser at Fashion Xpress Buying House. 
Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Email: [email protected]

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