Yarn Count System:
The count is the numerical expression that expresses the coarseness or fineness of the yarn. It means that the yarn count refers to how much yarn is fine or course.
Referring to different fiber yarn count:
- Cotton and spun silk is the number of 840 yds. Lengths per lb.
- Woollen (Yorkshire) is the number of 1600 yds. Lengths per lb.
- Woollen Run is the number of 1600 yds. Lengths per lb.
- Woolen cut is the number of 300 yds. Lengths per lb.
- Worsted is the number of 560 yds. per lb.
- Linen is the number of hanks of 300 yds. per lb.
- Silk and man-made is the weight in grams of 9000 meters
- One Denier = 0.0532 gm.
- Cotton count × denier count = 5315
To convert worsted to woolen multiply by 2.1875 and for woolen to worsted multiply by 0.4571

Other systems for yarn count:
For general information, various other systems pertaining to other fibers are briefly explained below. For example in woolen yarns there are:
(A) Yorkshire System: Which has a length unit of 1536 yards and the corresponding weight unit is 6 lbs. That is, the number of 1536 yard length pieces(this is termed as a skein) that weight 6 lbs. is the count. For calculation purposes, this is reduced as 1536/6 = 256 yards per lb.
(B) American Run System: Here the count (0f the woolen yarn) is the number of lengths (known as runs) of 100 yards that weight 1 ounce.
(C) American Cut System: This is also in the woolen yarn trade which means that count(American Cut) is the number of lengths of 300 yards (known as cut) that weight 1 pound.
Such count measures are also laid for yarns made from asbestos fiber, glass, etc.
For asbestos: In British System, the count is the number of hanks of 50 yds. Which weight 1 lb. In the American System, the asbestos count is the length of 100 yards which weighs 1 lb. The fiberglass count measure is the same as asbestos in American System.
For the jute, hemp, and flax: Count is the number lengths of 14400 yards (known as “spindle”) that weight 1 lb.