Work study:
Work-study is the systematic examination of the method of carrying activities. It is one of the important tools to improve productivity in the textile and apparel industry. Work study investigates the work done in an organization and aims at finding the best and the most efficient way of utilizing the available resources (man, material, money, and machinery) to achieve the best possible quality work in minimum possible time. Here, formula used for calculating different parameters for Work Study will discuss below:
Formula Used for Calculating Different Parameters for Work Study
The formula used for calculating different parameters for calculating :
………………Observe time X Observe rating
1. BMV = ………………………………………………..
……………………………Standard rating
SMV = BMV + 0.03 + 15%
……………….Operator X WH X 60
3. Target = ………………………………. X Want
……………………………….Daily production X SMV
4. Efficiency = ……………………………………………………… X 100
……………………..Working min X (Operator + Helper)
5. Standard Capacity = ………………………………
…………………………,,,…….Observe time X 1.66
……………………………………….Total production X SMV
6. Overall performance = ………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….Clock min
7. Performance = ………………………………………………………….. X 100
………………………….Actual time (Observe time + 03 + 15%)
……………………………………………….Total production X SMV
8. True performance = …………………………………………………………………. X 100
…………………………………(Total operator X WH X 60)?ineffective time
9. Input hr = Total operator X WH
………………………Total production X SMV
10. Output hr = …………………………………..
Clock hr = No. of operator X Working hour
Clock min = No. of operator X Working min
……………………………….Total manpower X 60
13. Required SMV = …………………………………….
……………………………………Line target/Hr
14. Utilization% = …………….. X 100
Author of this Article: Noor Ahmed Raaz B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing Asst. Merchandiser at A.M.C.S Textile Ltd Email: [email protected]