Calculation the Effect of Sizing on Yarn Count

Sizing is a type of weaving preparatory operation which gives the yarn maximum weaving efficiency. Generally, its applied for blended and filament yarns to increase yarn elasticity, yarn strength, yarn weight, yarn smoothness, yarn frictional resistance. In this article, we will discuss the calculation of the effect of sizing on yarn count.

Calculation the Effect of Sizing on Yarn Count
Fig: Sizing Machine

Effect of Sizing on Yarn Count:

With sizing the counts go courser owing to the yarn weight increase.

Mathematical problems and solutions:

Problem: 01
A 20s count cotton warp yarn when sized 15% goes courser to the extent. Find out the size counts?


20 hanks of pure yarn weight = 1 pound

But 20 hanks of sized yarn weight = 1 + (15/100)
= 115/100 pound

And 20 hanks weight = 115/100 pound

Then the hank in 1 pound = (115 / 100) ÷ 20
= (20 x 100) / 115
= 17.39 counts (ANS.)

In the form of a formula,

We have, [ (Cp x 100 ) ÷ (100 + S %) = Cs


Cp = pure counts
Cs = size counts
S % = Size %

Problem: 02
If the extended course rate of the count is 35% applying for a pure 30s count of yarn. Then what would be the sized count value?


According to our formula

We have [ (Cp x 100 ) ÷ (100 + S %) = Cs


Cp = 30s
Cs = ?
S % = 35%

Cs = [ ( 30 x 100 ) ÷ (100 + 35 %)
= 29.895s (ANS)

There are at least four types of sizing with respective weight increase effects.

Pure sizing:
When sizing is done in the yarn which produces unbleached fabric is called pure sizing. Size ingredients are used on the weight of yarn 7% to 10%.

Light sizing:
This is used for dyeing and printing. 11 to 15% sizing ingredients are used on the weight of yarn.

Medium sizing:
For an increment of strength and weight of the yarn 16 to 40% sizing ingredients are used on the weight of yarn.

Heavy sizing:
To increase the weight of the yarn its application on twisted yarn and lower the count of yarn. Above 40% sizing ingredients are used on the weight of yarn.

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