How to Find Out the Production of the Blow Room Line

Production of the Blow Room Line

Blow Room Line:
A blow room line is a series of machines used in the textile industry to process raw cotton into cotton fiber that can be further processed into yarn. The blow room line is the first stage in the spinning process and is responsible for opening, cleaning, and blending the raw cotton.

The cleaning efficiency of the blow room is 60 to 65%. This is the first section of the spinning line for spinning cotton yarn. The number of machines arranged in a line on series to perform all the functions to form a uniform lap form cotton bale in the blow room line. How to find out the production of the blow room line will be discussed below.

Production of the Blow Room Line
Fig: Blow Room Line

Before finding out production of blow room line you should read the following article,

  1. Some Useful Formulas for Spinning (Blow room, Carding, and Draw
  2. Some Important Formulas for Blow Room Section

How to Find Out the Production of the Blow Room Line

Find out the blow room efficiency, when

  • Cotton trash = 4.5%
  • Lap trash = 1.75%


We know,
…………………………………..Trash extracted
Cleaning efficiency = ……………………………… X 100%
………………………………………Total trash

……………………………………………………Cotton trash% – Lap trash%
So, Blow room cleaning efficiency = ………………………………………… X 100%
………………………………………………………………..Cotton trash%

………4.5 – 1.73
= …………………… X 100%

= 61.11 % (ANS)

Find out beats/inch from the following, When

  • Beater r.p.m = 720
  • No. of strikes = 16
  • Feed roller r.p.m = 24
  • Dia of feed roller = 3”


Beat/inch = …………………………………………………………
…………………….The surface speed of the feed roller

…………..Beater r.p.m X No. of the beater
= …………………………………………………………………
……..Π X Dia of feed roller X Feed roller r.p.m

……720 X 16
= …………………..
……Π X 3 X 24

= 76.43 or 76 (ANS)

Find out the production of blow room line with 2 scutchers.

It contains,

  • Calender roller dia = 7”
  • Calender roller rpm = 10
  • Efficiency = 40%
  • Wastes = 4%
  • Lap weight = 1403 yds


…….Π X 10 X 7 X 60 X 0.90 X (14/16) X (100-4) X 2
= …………………………………………………………………………….
……………..,,……………..36 X 100

= 555.176 lb/hr (ANS)

Author of this Article:
S. M. Hossen Uzzal
 Production Officer
 Monnu Fabrics Ltd. Manikgonj
 Email: [email protected]

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