Relation between Moisture Regain and Moisture Content

Relation between Moisture Regain and Moisture Content

Moisture regain:
Moisture regain is defined as the weight of water in a material as a percentage of the oven-dry weight. Moisture regains, and moisture content is essential in the textile industry. Moisture regains and moisture content has also defined the humidity. in this article, you will get a proper idea of this.

Let, Oven dry weight of a material = D

Weight of water in this material = W

Moisture regain, R = ……. X 100       …….(1)

Moisture content:
Moisture content is defined as the weight of water in a material express as a percentage of the total weight of the material.

Moisture content, C = ……….. X 100        ……………(2)

Relation between Moisture Regain and Moisture Content

From equation (1) we get,

D = …… X 100

Putting the value of D in equation (2) we get,

C = ………………………………  X 100
……..W + { (W/R) X 100}

=>  C = ………………………..
……………..W (1+100/R)

=> C = ……………………..
…………….1 + 100/R

=> C = ……………                         ………..(3)

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Again from equation (3) we get,

…….RC + 100C
R = ……………….

=> R = C + RC/100

=> R – RC/100 = C

=> R (1-C/100) = C

=> R = ………………

=> R = …………….             ………..(4)

Equations (3) and (4) express the relation between moisture regain and moisture content.

Relation between Moisture Regain and Moisture Content

Textile fiber properties are always related to its behavior with the atmospheric conditions. Different fibers react differently with the environmental atmospheric conditions.

Some fibers are hygroscopic. That means they absorb water from the atmosphere and lose water in a dry atmosphere. If the rate of exchange of water vapor or moisture from the material to the atmosphere or from the atmosphere to the material is equal or a state of equilibrium is achieved will be called ‘Hygroscopic Equilibrium.’

Influence of humidity on textile properties:

The amount of moisture regains and moisture content is not constant, it keeps changing. This changes the amount of moisture in the material. Due to this change the physical, well as chemical properties of the textile fiber such as rigidity, tensile strength, elastic recovery, elastic resistance, dimensions, and so on, are changed.

Let us consider cotton to understand this phenomenon properly. Cotton fiber absorbs moisture very rapidly when exposed to high dampness in the atmosphere. As a result of which weight and strength of the material increase and other properties will be changed. But in the case of man-made fibers such as acetate and viscose, the strength reduces. In the case of terylene and nylon is not affected much as they are not fully hygroscopic in nature.

Author of this Article:
Abdullah Nur Uddin Rony
BTEC, 2nd Batch
Facebook: Abdullah Rony

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