Different Formula for Yarn Count Calculation

Yarn Count Calculation

Yarn Count:
Yarn count is a numerical representation of the thickness of a yarn. It is used to describe the fineness or coarseness of the yarn and is determined by the mass per unit length of the yarn. The higher the yarn count, the finer the yarn.

Yarn count is expressed in several systems, including the English, Metric, and Worsted systems. In the English system, the yarn count is expressed as the number of hanks of yarn (each hank is 560 yards long) that weigh one pound. For example, a 2/20 yarn count means that 20 hanks of yarn each weighing 2 pounds per hank make up a total of 40 pounds of yarn.

In the Metric system, the yarn count is expressed as the number of kilometers of yarn that weigh one kilogram. For example, a 50s yarn count means that 50 kilometers of yarn weigh one kilogram.

In the Worsted system, the yarn count is expressed as the number of 560-yard lengths of yarn that weigh one pound. For example, a 4/1 yarn count means that 1 pound of yarn equals 4 lengths of 560 yards.

According to Textile Institute. In the article, we will discuss the different formula for yarn count calculation.

Yarn Count Calculation

Different Formula for Yarn Count Calculation

Types of Yarn Count :
Yarn counts are two types.

  1. Indirect system
  2. Direct system

1. Indirect Count System:
The count of yarn expresses the no. of length per unit in one weight unit. Higher the count, the finer the yarn. This system is generally used for cotton, worsted, linen, etc.

Indirect count:

……….L × w
N = ……………
……….W × l


W = The weight of the sample
w = The unit weight of the system
L = The length of the sample
l = The unit length of the sample

2. Direct Count System:
The count of yarn expresses the no. of weight units in one length unit. Higher the count, the coarser the yarn. This system is generally used for synthetic fibres, jute, silk, etc.

Direct yarn count:

…………W × l
N = ………………
…………w × L

N = The yarn number or count
W = The weight of the sample
L = The length of the sample
l = The unit of length of the system

Determination of yarn count by Beesley Balance:

When a cotton yarn is supplied in short length or removed from the fabric, the count of yarn could be measured by a special type of balance is called Beesley’s balance.

Procedure: At first collect a sample. In this sample, the warp direction yarn color is blue and the weft direction yarn color is white. First of all, 12 yarn withdrawn in warp direction from that fabric. Again 12 yarn withdrawn in the weft direction. Marking all withdrawn yarn by the template and cut them. Now placed that yarn in the hook until the pointer comes in level with the datum line. At that stage, the threads are taken out and counted which givers directly the count of yarn taken for testing.

Author of this Article:
S. M. Hossen Uzzal
 B.Sc. in Textile Technology
 Noakhali Textile Engineering College
 Email: [email protected]

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