Fabric Consumption Calculation of Long Sleeve Woven Shirt

Long Sleeve Woven Shirt

Fabric consumption calculation:
Fabric consumption determination is a very important term in the garments section. Because fabric covers the greatest part of garments costing, so we should have better knowledge about fabric consumption of shirt determination.

For the determination of fabric consumption of any parts of a woven shirt, we have to take the reading length and a maximum width of this part of the shirt. And then we have to multiply length with width to find out the area of fabric required of this part and others should be followed as unit terms. It is a very important task for an apparel merchandiser.

For better understanding, the anatomy of the woven shirts is given below.

anatomy of Long Sleeve woven shirts
Fig: Anatomy of Long-Sleeve Woven Shirt

Fabric Consumption Calculation of Long-Sleeve Woven Shirt

Back part:
The part of a garment, which covers the back part of the human body.


…………………………….{(Center back length + Allowance) X (1/2 Chest + Allowance)}
Required fabric = …………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………..44 X 36

(31″ + 2″) × (24″ + 2″)
= ……………………..………….
…………….44 X 36

= 0.541yds

A shaped piece of fabric in a garment, fitted about or below the neck and shoulders, from which the rest of the garment hangs. It can be split in two, called the ―split yoke.


………………………………{(Yoke length + Allowance) X (Yoke width + Allowance)}
Required fabric = ……………………………………………………….……………………………………..
…………………………………………………………………44 X 36

…..(21″ + 4″) × (4″+ 1″)
= …………………………………
……………44 X 36

= 0.079 yds

Front part: The front part of the shirt is given below.

fabric consumption of shirt
Fig: Front Part of a shirt


……………………………..{(Body length + Allowance) X (1/2 Chest + Allowance) X 2}
Required fabric = ………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………..44 X 36

…..(31″ + 1″) × (12″ + 2 ½” ) X 2″
= ……………………..……………………….
……………….36 X 44

= 0.5858 yds

The part of a garment that covers the arm and is usually cut wider than the cuffs. Most sleeve lengths fall between 32 and 36 inches.


………………………..(Sleeve length + Allowance) X (Armhole depth full + Allowance) X 2

Required fabric = …………………………………………………………………….…………………………….
………………………………………………………,…44 X 36


[{Sleeve length – (1/2 Drop shoulder + ½”)} + Allowance]
X (Arm hole depth + Allowance) X 2

Required fabric = …………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………..44 X 36
……..[{34 ½” -11″} +1″] × {21″ +1″} × 2
= …………………………………………………………
……………………….44 X 36

= 0.68 yds

A fold or band serving as a trimming or finish for the bottom of a sleeve. Some cuff styles include French Cuffs and Barrel Cuffs.


…………………………….(Cuff length + Allowance) X (Cuff width + Allowance) X 2
Required fabric = ……………………………………………….………………………………………….
……………………………………………………….44 X 36

……(9″ + 3″) × (2 ½” + ½” ) ×2
= …………………………………………….
…………………44 X 36

= 0.05 yds

A small bag like attachment forming part of a garment and used to carry small articles, as a flat pouch sewn inside a pair of pants or a piece of material sewn on its sides and bottom to the outside of a shirt.


…………………………….(Pocket length + Allowance) + (Pocket width + Allowance)
Required fabric = ……………………………………………………..…………………………………….
………………………………………………………………….44 X 36

….(6″ +2″) X (5½” +1″)
= ……………………………….
…………….44 X 36

= 0.032 yds

The part of a shirt that encompasses the neckline of the garment, often so as to fold or roll over. Comes in various shapes, depending on the face shape and occasion.


……………………………..(Collar length + Allowance) X (Xollar width + Allowance) X 4
Required fabric = ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………….44 X 36

….(16″ + 5″) × (2″ +1″) × 4
= ………………………..…………..
……………..44 X 36

= 0.159 yds

Total Fabric Consumption for one Woven Shirt:

= Back part + Yoke + Front part + Sleeve + Cuff + Pocket + Collar
= 0.541 yds + 0.079 yds + 0.5858 yds + 0.68 yds + 0.05 yds + 0.032 yds + 0.159 yds
= 2.1268 yds per woven shirt

Per Dozen = 2.1268 X 12 ______________[1 Dozen = 12]

= 25.5216/dz (ypd) + 5% (Wastages)
= 25.5216 + (25.5216 X 5/100)
= 25.5216 + 1.276
= 26.7976 yds per dozen
= 26.8 yds per dozen

Ans: 26.8 yds fabric needs to make 1 DZ (12 pieces) woven shirt. I think this fabric consumption calculation will be helpful for your student or professional life. If you like it then please share or comment below.

Author of this Article:
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing
Asst. Merchandiser
Opex Sinha Group, Narayongonj
Email: [email protected]

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9 thoughts on “Fabric Consumption Calculation of Long Sleeve Woven Shirt

  1. Not correct. Actual consumption will be less. also wrong calculation in collar ans cuffs.
    cuffa fabrics to be 4 pcs and collar fabrics to be 2 pcs.

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