Determine Resultant count:
Usually refers to a twisted or folded yarn. When two or more threads are folded or twisted into a single strand form, the resultant thread is designated as “twisted” or “folded” yarns are formed when two or more of these already twisted yarns are again folded. Yarns such as fishnet yarns, cords, harness cords, special sewing threads shoe threads, etc. are cabled for giving special strength and solid effects.
Average count:
Do not necessarily refer to twisted yarns. For instance, yarns lie side by side in a piece of cloth. From the unknown proportion and counts of component yarns in the cloth by a simple calculation average count can be determined. Hence when resulted counts are required, the threads are supposed to be twisted together, whereas are contiguous in the woven cloth and remain their respective individualities.
How to Determine Resultant Count
When two cotton threads, say one of the 20s and the other of 40s, are twisted together (on a doubling machine)
Then the resulted count will be = ……………………..
………………………………………………….1/20 + 1/40
……20 x 40
= ………………
……20 + 40
=13 …. s
Another method is by calculating the weights of equal lengths of each of the threads (Ignoring the contractions that take place as a result of twisting).
40 hanks of 40s weight 1 lb
And 40 hanks of 20s weight 2 lb
Per lb 40/3 hanks denotes the resultant count, that is 13 1/3 ‘s
Mathematical problem: 01
Find out the resulted count when one end of the 20s; two ends of 30s; three ends of 40s are twisted together?
Resultant count will be = Reciprocal of (1/20 + 2/30 + 3/40)
= ……………………………….
…..1/20 + 2/30 + 3/40
= 5.21 (ANS)
Mathematical problem: 02
A 5s doubled yarn has 30s single yarn combined with another single yarn whose count is not known. Find out the unknown single yarn count?
Unknown count will be = …… – ………
= …. (ANS)
Author of this Article: Amit Kumar Das Founder of "টেক্সটাইল ম্যানিয়া" Blog Pabna Textile engineering college, Pabna, Bangladesh Cell: 01770 456240 Email: [email protected]